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chemical peel for hyperpigmentation

Chemical Peel Hydroquinone Hyperpigmentation on Body Hyperpigmentation on Face Retinoids

How to Remove Scars Fast Using Chemical Peel | Before & After

November 10, 2021


How to remove scars on legs fast with chemical peels, hi everyone in today’s video we’ll be covering the different strengths of peels and  the best peels for your skin concern or skin type  we’ll be looking at how I administer a chemical peel on my face and on my body what to do  before and after a peal and products that will  make your results ten times better number one, types, there are three main types of peels, light or superficial peels medium depth peels and deep peels for light peels they include glycolic acid 10 to 50 percent, lactic acid 10 to 30 percent,  mandelic acid 40 percent and salicylic acid 30 percent, these type of peels can be done at home but you need to have several sessions done before you see significant improvement, it removes the top layer but doesn’t penetrate as deep, next medium depth, these include glycolic acid 70 percent salicylic acid over 30 percent and TCA peal 30 to 50 percent, this is kind of a sweet spot for me  because it’s not a deep peel to where I  would burn myself but at the same time i can administer and see significant improvement because it penetrates much deeper than the epidermic, it goes to the dermis, at least the top layer of the dermis and it helps with pigmentation issues number three deep peels, these ones are hardcore these need  usually a physician not even a professional at the spot, they address anti-aging issues, pigmentation issues but like I mentioned they’re hardcore, they go deep deep into the dermis so be careful well you can’t even do it on your own, next the best chemical peels for your skin concern and or  your skin type so if you’re someone who has darker skin if you have dry skin if you have sensitive  skin you will benefit from using lactic acid and mandelic acid peels these peels are very gentle if  you have acne prone skin or oily skin salicylic acid or jessner peel are two peels that you will find very beneficial for glycolic acid that works  for all skin types but if you have super sensitive  skin you may want to avoid glycolic acid although it’s very effective and then if you have high  pigmentation peels such as TCA, VI peel, cosmelan are great peels.


Now onto demonstration i’m going  to be doing my face and my body, the products I’ll be using are gentle cleanser latex free  gloves alcohol wipes petroleum jelly to protect  chemical peels lactic acid glycolic acid TCA, I’m going to be using TCA for my legs and glycolic acid for  my elbows and lactic acid for my face, that’s my  bowl and my fan brush my moisturizer, my sunscreen, my cotton rounds and my body lotion, let’s go alright first I’m gonna be cleansing my face, all right so we can get a fresh palette, wipe it off I’m gonna be using alcohol wipes to remove any um residue and all and then I’m gonna be protecting with the petroleum jelly my eyes, my nose, my mouth now I’m gonna be taking the peel just using my fan brush to gently apply it all  over my face I’m using 25 percent lactic acid because I don’t want to burn myself, I generally don’t like  administering the peel on my face, when I do it has to be a light  peel, all right that’s it i’m  gonna time myself for this peel I waited about two minutes I believe and then I neutralize it with water, you can neutralize with baking soda as well and then I apply the moisturizer, a gel  moisturizer so it can soothe my skin and after my moisturizer, I applied a sunscreen next, I’m going to be demonstrating how I apply  it on my legs, I’m doing the same thing cleansing my skin all right I’m going to be using a TCA peel  30% I wouldn’t try this on my face at home, I’m just so scared I don’t want to burn my skin and I use tretinoin anyway so I try to stay away from um strong peels on my face all  right I’m applying it on my leg generally, TCA peel can be applied onto so you  can use three for about four layers actually in this video I only did two layers and I still got some peeling and that’s it plan it all over this is the first layer, I’m gonna come back for a second later, my problem area is my feet really just really got dark so I’m trying to treat that, if you look at my legs you can see some spots that  are still fading but my legs have come a long way for sure all right here I’m just neutralizing the peel although TCA peels self-neutralize so you don’t even need to neutralize them and then I’m applying a soothing body lotion on my legs yeah and that is it for the legs.


Next, what you do before and after a peel. Before the peel, if you go see a specialist or physician they’re gonna have you stop exfoliating one week before your chemical peels, first they’re gonna take your medical history if everything’s fine and they’ll have you stop exfoliating one week before at least one week or about a week before your chemical peel they would also have you stop things like retinoids pigment lighteners and acne medication because these things impact how your skin tolerates the peel right and last products to use to make your results 10  times better if you go see a dermatologist, for example, to get a chemical peel they would put you on retinoids and/or pigment lighteners for four to six weeks before your chemical peel. These medications will help speed up your results right and also as a safety measure things like retinoids help the healing process so when you get a chemical peel it’s kind of like lifting I don’t  know like a sheet almost so when your skin peels, then you see fresh new skin. Retinoids and pigment lighteners have been working behind the scenes to ensure that there’s no reproduction of melanin and the skin heals quickly right my friends thank you so much for watching I have one question for you what is your most concerning skin issue these days I want  to hear them leave them in the comments section thank you so much for watching I appreciate you all I hope you have a great great week ahead.



▶Tretinoin https://thepigmentedlife.com/product-links/

► Hydroquinone https://thepigmentedlife.com/product-links/

▶ Azelaic acid https://thepigmentedlife.com/product-links/


Chemical Peels

▶ TCA https://bit.ly/3zBlpWq – TCA https://bit.ly/3EHAAif

▶ Glycolic acid https://bit.ly/3GNt3QT -Glycolic acid https://bit.ly/3EHGZtM -Glycolic acid https://bit.ly/3ECibDE

▶ Salicylic acid https://bit.ly/3bxRPGz – Salicylic acid https://bit.ly/3ByYwCN

▶ Lactic acid https://bit.ly/3bB2qjU -Lactic Acid https://amzn.to/3cmOcUJ

▶ Mandelic acid https://bit.ly/3q1NSSY – Mandelic acid https://amzn.to/3cmp40g

▶ Jessner’s peel https://bit.ly/3ByYwCN


Products Used for Chemical Peel Demo

1. Cleanser

2. Latex-free gloves

3. Alcohol Wipes

4. Petroleum jelly

6. Chemical peels:

Lactic acid 25%,

TCA peel 30%

Glycolic acid 35%

7. Cotton rounds

8. Moisturizer

9. Sunscreen

10. Body lotion

Chemical Peel

Does Chemical Peel Work?

August 6, 2021

Does Chemical Peel Work?

Well, Yes! But there are things you need to know and do in order to see results.

Such as:

  1. The depth and concentration  of the peels
  2. How many do you need to get?
  3. The best for your skin of color and skin type
  4. The best for your skin concern

Chemical peels have been used and are still being used to treat skin conditions such as acne, acne scars, general scars, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, rough skin texture, large pores, aging skin, dull skin, the list goes on. But if you don’t know which ones to use or how many times you need to use them, you may end up not getting the results you desire. The goal of this post is to help you see how to effectively use chemical peels to achieve your dream skin.

Before we get into the main gist of today’s post, let’s quickly touch on when you need a chemical peel, and when you don’t. 

You need chemical peel If you have:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne/acne scars
  • Skin pigmentation concerns
  • Skin texture concerns

When don’t you need chemical peel?

You don’t need a chemical peel if you have:

  • Active cold sores
  • Open lesions
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Untreated diabetes
  • Any burn (sunburn, chemical burn, etc)
  • Any recent facial surgery
  • If you’ve used Accutane within the last 6 months


Now to the first main point.

What are the different depths and types of peels?

There are three different depths of chemical peels namely, light, medium, and deep chemical peels. 

Light chemical peels remove the outer layer of the skin (the epidermis). This provides subtle improvement over time and is often done in a series. 

A medium chemical peel will remove the outer layer (epidermis), as well as the upper part of the middle layer of the skin (the dermis). This gives your skin a smooth, fresh look. 

While deep peels go deeper to the lower part of my dermis (the second layer of your skin) and remove skin cells. This typically produces the most dramatic results. 


Glycolic acid 10-50%, lactic acid 10-30%, mandelic acid 40%, salicylic acid 30%, and Jessner’s peel are classified as light chemical peels 

Glycolic acid 70%,  salicylic acid over 30%, TCA 30-50% are classified as medium-strength peels

Lastly, TCA peels over 50% and Phenol peels are classified as medium strength peels.

 Phenol peels are not even available over the counter, and they require a board-certified physician to administer them-I believe.


How many times do you need to get a chemical peel done before you see significant results?

For superficial peels, you need to get them done several every 3 to 4 weeks for a total of four to six treatments. Medium depth peels would need to be conducted on a monthly basis for a total of 2-4 treatments. For deeper peels, one treatment is enough to see significant results.


What are the best peels for each skin color and type?

If you are darker skinned you can or have really dry skin, or sensitive skin your skin could benefit from gentle peels like lactic acid or mandelic acid. If you have acne-prone skin or oily, salicylic acid peel,  or Jessner’s peel are worth considering. Glycolic acid is great for all skin types.


What is the best chemical peel for your skin issue?

If you have hyperpigmentation cosmelan peel, TCA peels, aha peels or vi peels are great at targeting hyperpigmentation, When it comes to reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, TCA peel, glycolic acid, and Mandelic acid peel, are all excellent options.  If you struggle with acne scars, an AHA (glycolic acid, lactic acid) or TCA peel is actually able to lighten the appearance of blemish scarring when new skin is formed.  If you are trying to improve the appearance of large pores, mandelic acid is a good option.

Products Mentioned

▶ TCA https://bit.ly/3zBlpWq

– TCA 20% https://www.dpbolvw.net/click-100428206-13267921

▶ Glycolic acid https://www.kqzyfj.com/click-100428206-13267954

– Glycolic acid 70% https://www.dpbolvw.net/click-100428206-12783128

▶ Salicylic acid https://www.jdoqocy.com/click-100428206-13267954

▶ Lactic acid https://fxo.co/CVwQ

– Lactic acid 2 https://amzn.to/3cmOcUJ

▶ Mandelic acid https://amzn.to/3cmp40g

▶ Jessners peel https://amzn.to/3prvzUF

-Jessners peel 2 https://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-100428206-13267923


Sources: https://bit.ly/3Ccw3UC

Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel Before and After

June 22, 2021

Hi everyone, my name is Rita, and today, we will be discussing chemical peels that are best for hyperpigmentation. We’ll look at some before and after visuals, when to expect results, how often we need to use chemical peels for best results, and how many one needs to achieve their desired goal.

There are about four chemical peels that are best for treating hyperpigmentation

  1. Glycolic acid peel
  2. Lactic acid peel/mandelic acid peel
  3. Salicylic acid peel
  4. TCA peel
    • For darker skin types, lactic acid or mandelic acid is the safer option-not that you can’t use other peels; you can, just that you would need to exercise caution.

Let’s get into the video.

Glycolic acid has a small molecule size which makes it able to penetrate the skin deeply. It also helps retain moisturize in the skin, it also improves the skin’s firmness- which makes it a great option for anti-aging. Glycolic acid peels in concentrations of 20% to 70% are safe for skin of color.

Lactic acid is very similar to glycolic acid in terms of results but a lot less irritating because of its larger molecular size compared to glycolic acid. Also, compared to glycolic acid, it doesn’t penetrate the skin as deeply, so it is perfect for sensitive skin. Additionally, it is an excellent option for dry skin, and can be beneficial for lightening dark spots when used at higher concentrations.

Salicylic acid is derived from willow bark. Willow bark contains potent anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Salicylic acid peel is known to reduce inflammation and sebum production, so it is excellent for acne-prone skin, acne scars, uneven skin texture, uneven skin tone, and even melasma.

TCA peel is my fave! But also the riskiest. According to the book, Cosmetic Dermatology for Skin of Color, TCA peel is considered the gold standard in the industry. This is because it penetrates the skin deeper than the peels mentioned above and can lift pigmentation like nothing else. But like I said earlier, the risk of further pigmentation, when not done right, is very high, so caution! Also, it requires 7-10 days of recovery.

When to expect peeling?
For these peels, you may or may not experience peeling depending on the strength you use—for example, lactic acid. I rarely ever peel on lactic acid, even in high concentrations. For TCA, though, the story is different. Even at lower concentrations, you would peel here and there. Typically it takes about 4-7 days for the peeling to start, and in less than a week, it’s all peeled off.

How often should you be using it for best results?
Glycolic acid is generally performed every 3 to 4 weeks for a total of four to six treatments. Lactic acid three weeks for a total of 4-6 treatments. Salicylic acid is administered 1-2. weeks for 6-8 weeks. TCA Sessions are conducted monthly, usually about four in total.

Recommended video: https://thepigmentedlife.com/best-chemical-peels-for-hyperpigmentation/

Peels Mentioned

▶ TCA https://bit.ly/3zBlpWq

▶ Glycolic acid https://amzn.to/3z4VJkH

▶ Salicylic acid https://amzn.to/3z4HhJ

▶ Lactic acid https://amzn.to/3cmOcUJ

▶ Mandelic acid https://amzn.to/3cmp40g


Alam, M., Bhatia, A., Kundu, R., Yoo, S., & Chan, H. (2009). Cosmetic Dermatology for Skin of Color (1st ed.). McGraw-Hill Education / Medical.

Rigopoulos, D., & Katoulis, A. C. (2017). Hyperpigmentation (1st ed.). CRC Press.

wikiHow. (2021, May 23). How to Apply a Chemical Peel. https://www.wikihow.com/Apply-a-Chemical-Peel

Chemical Peel Hyperpigmentation

Best Chemical Peels for Hyperpigmentation

June 10, 2021

Chemical peels work by producing a controlled partial thickness injury to the skin. They are categorized into superficial, medium, and deep peels, depending on the level of penetration, destruction, and inflammation.

What are the best chemical peels for hyperpigmentation?

1. Glycolic Acid

2. Salicylic acid

3. Jessner

4. TCA peel


▶ TCA https://www.platinumskincare.com/tca-peel-13-20-30/

▶ Glycolic acid https://amzn.to/3z4VJkH

▶ Salicylic acid https://amzn.to/3z4HhJ

▶ Lactic acid  https://amzn.to/3cmOcUJ

▶ Mandelic acid https://amzn.to/3cmp40g

▶ Jessners peel https://amzn.to/3prvzUF


Alam, M., Bhatia, A., Kundu, R., Yoo, S., & Chan, H. (2009). Cosmetic Dermatology for Skin of Color (1st ed.). McGraw-Hill Education / Medical.

Rigopoulos, D., & Katoulis, A. C. (2017). Hyperpigmentation (1st ed.). CRC Press.

Disclaimer: All content on this channel is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute advice from your physician or other healthcare professionals.

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